A shoe rack. But better. This is the deceitfully simple briefing that led
Util to its latest collab: the UTIL X JAK Shoe Rack, a storage solution
made in partnership with (also Portuguese) minimalist shoe company
that helps you keep your rotation shoes on display.
Designed by Jeanne Mercier, the starting point for the Shoe Rack was
to build an object that could easily blend in urban flats with space
restriction; something discreet enough, but also worthy of becoming
a highlight in any space. The result is a stackable shoe rack that can
be used as self-standing rack or wall-mounted, each in two different
By expanding its functionality, the Shoe Rack transformed from
furniture born to be hidden away, into an object that can easily become
the bold highlight of any space — or a subtle spotlight for prized shoes.
Powdercoated and hand brushed aluminium.
Care and Maintenance
Always clean with a damp cloth with no solvents.
Brushed Aluminium Version
1. Use citric acid powder in a solution with water.
2. Use household gloves and very soft cloth and
wipe all parts off with this solution.
3. Wait 10-15min so that the material and solution
can react with each other.
4. Finally, wipe off all parts once again with a wet
soft cloth using just clean water.
8 weeks (6 weeks production time + 2 week shipping)